General Rules
Except for agreed upon rules as determined by the Crystal Crown Committee, all participating organizations will conduct their own ride with their own rules and awards.
Each ride should have 10 obstacles worth 10 points each. If a ride wants to have more than 10 obstacles or vary the points from 10 possible points per obstacle, please consult the Crystal Crown Committee as this has implications on year-end awards and tie breakers.
Clubs must report ride results to the CC Score Master on a 100-point basis. Results should be in spreadsheet format, Excel is preferred.
Divisions and awards offered by each club is up to the club; however, since the series year-end awards include novice rider, novice horse, youth (12 and under), Junior (13-17), Senior (65 and over), information on these year-end divisions should be captured and reported to the CC Score Master with the overall results.
All breeds are welcome to participate and compete.
The decision to allow stallions is made by the hosting organization.
Participants under 18 years old MUST wear helmets and be accompanied by an adult (rider 18 years of age or older). For all other participants, the requirement of hard hats is up to the decision of the hosting organization.
Crystal Crown Series Rules
If an organization elects to have a raised obstacle/jump, it will not exceed 18". The rider will be given the option to walk or trot, but there is no expectation for the horse to have all four feet off the ground at one time.
Riders will be given their score, if requested, at each obstacle.
If a rider or horse has competed in 3 JPRs or less as of the first Crystal Crown ride, then the rider or horse will be classified as a Novice for the duration of the series. The Novice Divisions will also be included in the year-end awards for qualifying riders and qualifying horse/mule. Please note: the same rider must compete on the same horse/mule in order to qualify.
Any act of unsportsmanlike conduct, whether verbal or physical, toward judges, event volunteers, other participants, or any horse will result in loss of points and may be grounds for immediate disqualification from the competition. If disqualification occurs, the rider shall forfeit all entry fees, and must immediately leave the premises.
The Crystal Crown Committee and all of the CC participating clubs continually strive to make the rides and obstacles as fun, challenging and natural as possible while also ensuring for the safety of both rider and equine. To that end, we have and will continue to welcome, appreciate and value all constructive comments put forth from our riders, judges, and all involved volunteers. Input can be provided to ride officials as well to members of the Crystal Crown Committee (member contact information is available on our website).